It's officially summer! And what a perfect way to kick it off than with a post about my weekend at Firefly.
For the past three years, the one festival I always attended was sweetlife festival, it always took place here in my state at the end of May. Last June, I actually made a post about my third year going to sweetlife, along with some photos and a short montage video. Unfortunately, this year, sweetgreen, the company who ran the festival, decided that they wouldn't hold the festival anymore. It was pretty upsetting since it was the one pre-summer activity I loved the most.
But life has a funny way of working. The EXACT same day that sweetlife was cancelled, my sister and I actually purchased 4 day GA passes for Firefly festival in Dover, DE.
We had always wanted to go, but the times, money, situations, were never right for us.
It was a sign really, lol. We saved some money and we got the chance to experience something new. It was the first time we drove out of state for a music festival, and it was our first more than 2 day festival, not to mention the grounds scale was massive compared to other festivals we've attended in the past.
A lot of people camped out, or brought their RV's. There were even a few who went for the more "glamorous" side of camping, glamping. My sister and I opted to stay at a hotel though. Hardly slept during those four days. It was pretty tiring. And the walk from the parking lot to the festival grounds was quite a struggle in the afternoon sun and at the end of the day. It was all fun though and ayeee, I got my workout of the year in.
bleachers ft. fetus chris pratt |