irregular monthly reads vol.1
Saturday, March 04, 2017
Occupying my mind and,
let's face it, my existence, with as much art as I can drink up makes me the
happiest. It's a main goal in life. Actually, it's probably thee goal
in life. I mean, there's just so many forms of it. However, for right now, I'm
going to focus on books.
Here, I'm just gonna quickly share the beauties I've had the chance to enjoy, every two months or
so, depending on how much I have the chance to read.
I honestly enjoy being alone with my stories, books, and graphic novels. Shit, I'm obsessssed with graphic novels. It's kinda like having a movie play out before your eyes. But the visuals are exactly how the author wants you to see them. As of lately, I've been bookmarking so many I'd like to read. So you'll see a mix of those too. Maybe you'll find something that sounds/looks appealing to you.
I honestly enjoy being alone with my stories, books, and graphic novels. Shit, I'm obsessssed with graphic novels. It's kinda like having a movie play out before your eyes. But the visuals are exactly how the author wants you to see them. As of lately, I've been bookmarking so many I'd like to read. So you'll see a mix of those too. Maybe you'll find something that sounds/looks appealing to you.
So five kids find one of their favorite superheroes in the woods.
Except she's dead. They struggle to figure out how to handle the situation and
things get pretty tense. Even though there's a total of five issues, it did a
wonderful job on touching points with every single character. It had an amazing
pace, beautiful illustration style, and a shocking ending. I loved every moment
of it even though the last pages broke my heart. I can't say much else, but I
feel like there was a lot that could be interpreted and left to the reader's
mind once you reach the end. Also, I read it's becoming a movie sooooo, ooh
that'll be interesting.
2. ALEX + ADA, VOLS. 1-3
If you love all things A.I, you should
definitely read this. It's a sci-fi drama set some time in the future. Alex
receives an android, Ada, from his grandmother because she believes he's too
lonely after a bad breakup. Then he finds a community of other android owners
who reveal to him that their A.Is can be unlocked to be sentient. Even though
it's against the law, Alex unlocks Ada, cause he wants to give her a chance to
think for herself. I loved this so much. The second volume was definitely my
favorite though haha. I think the story is a great parallel to a lot of the
problems we still face in society, such as discrimination, prejudice, our
rights as beings, etc. It was beautifully written; I fell in love with the
characters so quickly. I loved the art style as well; it was minimal with soft
colors but yet so detailed. It was a pretty wild journey.

The artwork to this series really caught my attention, and it was one of
the reasons I first wanted to read it haha. Paper Girls is still ongoing, with
it's second volume recently released. It's set in the eighties, but then things
get a little weird and crazy when the girls travel into the future. To be
honest, I can't give a specific plot to it because I'm still trying to work out
what's going on haha. But if you love alien-like creatures, time travel, and I
guess, saving the world, definitely check it out.
Ahh, so, I started this series when I was a sophomore in high
school. This is the ninth and final book. I bought it the day it came out but I don't know why I waited this long
to actually read it. But maybe it was cause J.P fucked us over when he said the previous book was the
"last" one and I just wasn't ready to face it.
If you're not familiar with this series, it's about a flock of six lovable kids who were experimented on as babies, therefore being 2% bird = they have wings and are major badasses. They escape the lab they were held in and let me just say, SHIT GETS WILD. I'm not going to ramble on too much cause I would be here forever (ha), but seriously, I feel like this series is hella under-appreciated. It has comedy, drama, action, mutants, an apocalypse, romance, teen quirk, errrrr'thang. This final installment was, wow, it just constantly hit me in the feels. I'm glad J.P decided to give us this, a proper ending. And as a whole series, I genuinely love it so much.
If you're not familiar with this series, it's about a flock of six lovable kids who were experimented on as babies, therefore being 2% bird = they have wings and are major badasses. They escape the lab they were held in and let me just say, SHIT GETS WILD. I'm not going to ramble on too much cause I would be here forever (ha), but seriously, I feel like this series is hella under-appreciated. It has comedy, drama, action, mutants, an apocalypse, romance, teen quirk, errrrr'thang. This final installment was, wow, it just constantly hit me in the feels. I'm glad J.P decided to give us this, a proper ending. And as a whole series, I genuinely love it so much.
Important side-note: If you decide to look into this series, I'm warning you: Don't watch the
movie they've made based on the first book. It's a piece of shit. It's upsetting to see one of my favorite childhood series get fucked in such a
way. I can't take it seriously as a "movie" adaptation. I would highly suggest reading the books first and
hey, if you want to watch the movie afterwards, you know, for research, go
ahead. But I did warn you.
Oh. My loooordd. I don't even know how to begin
talking about this beautiful piece of work. I'm pretty annoyed I didn't come
across this novel sooner. But boy oh boy, it really hit me. All of the praise
it gets is so rightfully deserved. To put it briefly, a 17 year old boy falls for an older man staying as a summer house guest, set in Italy, 1980's. But really, this is just a beautiful story about love in general; pure, raw,
sensual as fuck love. Loving yourself and learning to love someone else.
This is one of those books I want to read over and over again. I don't think I had ever read a book written in this kind of format either. There was very minimal dialogue, but I didn't mind it. The way the story was told was just so captivating. It was so poetic but real. I felt like I was there; everything was so vivid in my mind. And when I got to the end and read that last sentence, I was blubbering like a baby. Even a week later, I'm still thinking about it. Ugh, I just love it so much. I'm so happy it exists. I can't wait to be able to watch the movie. But seriously, go read it, just go read it.
This is one of those books I want to read over and over again. I don't think I had ever read a book written in this kind of format either. There was very minimal dialogue, but I didn't mind it. The way the story was told was just so captivating. It was so poetic but real. I felt like I was there; everything was so vivid in my mind. And when I got to the end and read that last sentence, I was blubbering like a baby. Even a week later, I'm still thinking about it. Ugh, I just love it so much. I'm so happy it exists. I can't wait to be able to watch the movie. But seriously, go read it, just go read it.
Okay, so after having read Call Me By Your Name, I needed more. So
I stumbled across this book on the suggested section of Goodreads. This was a
pretty great YA book. In a lot of ways, I could relate to the main character,
Ari, and found myself thinking, "yeah, wow, I feel you" haha. It was
cute, it was sad, it had its precious, giddy moments. Apart from following the main character on a journey of acceptance, it didn't have much
of a plot, really. Not until the very end of course, when you finally get the
big picture and everything that's been building up since the story began.
I gotta say, when I finished, I wasn't that impressed. But after a couple of days, I just kept thinking about it and I really liked it. Kinda still wish it had been longer or the ending had given me more. But at the same time, it ended at the right spot. (Definitely not as hard hitting as callmebyyourname, but still.)
I gotta say, when I finished, I wasn't that impressed. But after a couple of days, I just kept thinking about it and I really liked it. Kinda still wish it had been longer or the ending had given me more. But at the same time, it ended at the right spot. (Definitely not as hard hitting as callmebyyourname, but still.)