Occupying my mind and,
let's face it, my existence, with as much art as I can drink up makes me the
happiest. It's a main goal in life. Actually, it's probably thee goal
in life. I mean, there's just so many forms of it. However, for right now, I'm
going to focus on books.
Here, I'm just gonna quickly share the beauties I've had the chance to enjoy, every two months or
so, depending on how much I have the chance to read.
I honestly enjoy being alone with my stories, books, and graphic novels. Shit, I'm obsessssed with graphic novels. It's kinda like having a movie play out before your eyes. But the visuals are exactly how the author wants you to see them. As of lately, I've been bookmarking so many I'd like to read. So you'll see a mix of those too. Maybe you'll find something that sounds/looks appealing to you.
I honestly enjoy being alone with my stories, books, and graphic novels. Shit, I'm obsessssed with graphic novels. It's kinda like having a movie play out before your eyes. But the visuals are exactly how the author wants you to see them. As of lately, I've been bookmarking so many I'd like to read. So you'll see a mix of those too. Maybe you'll find something that sounds/looks appealing to you.
Anyways, here's the list of goodies I read
during January and February.