Less than a month away from graduation day. Twenty five days to be exact. That's not stressful at allllll. On an even brighter note, the holidays are approaching! Love getting into those festive vibessss. I'm going to Starbucks more frequently than is good for me lately.
The weather's been so chill for November. I like it. It only scares me that we might get some serious snow in the months to come. So, just trying to enjoy it as much as possible right now.
Anyways, here's a light outfit quickly thrown together for lazy days but you still wanna look sweg.
Sooo, le sorry I didn't post as much as I wanted to during October but just know it was a pretty great month for sure. Halloweekend was fun. Now, we're already eleven days into November. Geeeez.
It was warm for a while last week. So here's a small shoot my sister and I did, taking advantage of how nice it felt that day.
Little side note, this past Saturday, with a couple of friends, I finally got the chance to see Odesza perform live. Eeeee. They were just an explosion of good vibes and beautiful sounds. We were all a bit deaf by the end of the show, but, ya know, it was worth it 100%